Ok, this isn't the real Dance Naked blog. It's a temporary holding blog while the REAL blog gets worked out on Wordpress. (Caveat - while the technical aspects of running a theater company continue to escape me- i.e. the fancy shmancy website I commissioned IN JANUARY is still not up and running - we are hard at work on the things we do best. Inviting Desire 2012 is IN THE WORKS!)
I've gone back to the humble website I built on iweb in the meantime, and while not flashy, it's serviceable. If there are any techie subs out there that want a nice spanking while writing my code, I'm all for it.
We have recently put out a survey, inviting women to share their thoughts on sex and sexuality. This provides material for the show we are writing (the aforementioned Inviting Desire - this time subtitled The Dawn of Sex). If you would like to take the survey (ladies) PLEASE DO!
Here's the link https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/InvitingDesire2012
Rest assured, the updated blog with all the posts from the past year should return soon. In the meantime, here's a little reminder of what we do best.
Eleanor O'Brien
Dance Naked artistic director
Well, This Is Awkward
3 years ago