Sunday, June 21, 2009


Adrienna's recent post was so true. Inviting Desire really is like a child- a living, breathing, growing, evolving entity. I am realizing it will never be "finished." Which is the nature of this beautiful beast we have created. ~grins~

I have never put so much of myself into a performance. Time, energy, emotion, commitment- I haven't worked on any other theater projects since November. But I feel like this is life well spent- the feedback I've received has been wonderful validation that people want and need to see this kind of honest sexual discourse. When I get emails like the following, it reminds me why I'm doing this...

Thank you for a wonderful performance last night. As an armchair director, I generally can't attend any community theater without walking away with tons of "notes". Not so last night. "Inviting Desire" engaged me entirely from moment one to the end. The writing is world class. Your performance was genuine and moving.

It was perfect.

I will say your name and talk about this amazing show to anyone who will stand still long enough to hear.

Please pass on my deepest gratitude, highest compliments and fondest wishes to your cast mates.


1 comment:

  1. THANKS for sharing that Tonya - letters like that make this whole thing feel so worthwhile and important.
