Anthony, a phenomenal actor we've recently befriended (who is incredible in Pinter's Briefs) did it on Tuesday, and he was charming, and then today we had Keira MacDonald from Cherry Cherry Lemon (a show i am coveting. Excellent writing and Seattlites Keira and Megan Hill tear up the stage. They are fierce!). i loved making the poet a woman.
Unfortunately I don't think the cameos always works that well - i think the bit is actually funnier when I play the poet- but we are enjoying playing with the show. We're down to our final three of the tour- and tomorrow night is a midnight show. We're making it the drinking show - and inviting everyone to drink every time we say Cock, Pussy or anyone orgasms. Should be jolly.
Reviews-wise, this town has been brutal. So odd. I thought Calgary would be the tough nut to crack, but Edmonton has proved totally stand-offish. Today a review came out that started with the line "I know when women are faking it, and these ladies faked it." It went on to posit that no real woman would ever say the kind of things we say, and indeed, that there are TOO many shows at the fringe about sexually frustrated women and that "Something should be done about it." YEAH, shut those bitches up! I mean, Jesus, we're faking it? hello...its called ACTING. It's called THEATRE.
but the bonus side of the negative reviews is finally feeling confident that despite the nastiness (from the Edmonton Journal "If female masturbation makes you uncomfortable, avoid this show like an STD") I believe in this show. I believe in it's merit, both as a piece of entertainment, and as an act of activism. Today we saw a show called Burlesque Unzipped, about the history of burlesque, and it was great to be reminded that Mae West got bad reviews, but the public loved her. The Can Can was banned in france, and the WORD burlesque was outlawed in New York City. Women have been fighting for sexual creative expression for a long time. So we continue in the line of courageous women claiming their right to share their sexual selves. So take your stars and shove em up your respective asses, Edmonton Media.
Well, I feel better.
Perhaps I'll get an ice cream. (Todays menu - coffee, crackers and peanut butter, fries (both regular and sweet potato), gyros, beer, chocolate and bee pollen (for health!)). Ridiculous. there is crap food EVERYWHERE. Maybe I'll go for an elephant ear. Wish you were here to share it with.
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