Friday, July 27, 2012

Ok, this isn't the real Dance Naked blog.  It's a temporary holding blog while the REAL blog gets worked out on Wordpress.  (Caveat - while the technical aspects of running a theater company continue to escape me- i.e. the fancy shmancy website I commissioned IN JANUARY is still not up and running - we are hard at work on the things we do best.  Inviting Desire 2012 is IN THE WORKS!)

I've gone back to the humble website I built on iweb in the meantime, and while not flashy, it's serviceable.  If there are any techie subs out there that want a nice spanking while writing my code, I'm all for it. 

We have recently put out a survey, inviting women to share their thoughts on sex and sexuality.  This provides material for the show we are writing (the aforementioned Inviting Desire - this time subtitled The Dawn of Sex).   If you would like to take the survey (ladies) PLEASE DO!

Here's the link

Rest assured, the updated blog with all the posts from the past year should return soon.  In the meantime, here's a little reminder of what we do best.

Eleanor O'Brien
Dance Naked artistic director

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Life Launch

Tomorrow is my last day at Besaw's.  I've waitressed at a lot of places in Portland (my first job at 19 was at Korblatt's on 23rd - before Besaw's I was at El Gaucho, Pazzo's, and South Park).

But Besaw's has been my favorite restaurant.  I love the casual yet professional atmosphere, I love my regulars, my co-workers, and I really love my boss. 

I have been enormously lucky to have a gig that provides such regular income, and has been so flexible with my career.  And yet - I have to go.

I have waited tables for 20 years.  It's time to run my theater company. 

9 months ago this was only a fantasy - I couldn't actually imagine getting the ovaries up to walk away from health insurance and reliable money-making shifts. 

I made a little Besaw's commercial back then as a favor to a friend who was practicing his video skills (and he included snippets of my solo show, Dominatrix for Dummies). 

It's kind of remarkable to watch it now, on the eve of my last shift. 

Saying Your Dreams Outloud can have serious consequences

I wish you courage and strength as you follow your dreams.

See you in the theater,
